Congrats on front page
And for everyone who says he submitted it before. That was a demo he had when he was doing a flash competition with Shin2k27.
Congrats on front page
And for everyone who says he submitted it before. That was a demo he had when he was doing a flash competition with Shin2k27.
Thanks HC! And yes that other one is the old version (when I whipped Shin2k27's ass in a flash competition). Him and Mooglebuns must be shittin' a brick right now after seeing me on the front page ;)
Score one for evolution!
Die Paper-Raper
Nice job on your scene Vince, I wish you had the 'end' scene I asked ya to put in though. ;)
I wanted to add more but there was a lack of time. You did pretty good on your scenes yourself :D
Ignore Crow, he's a Shin fan-boy, who'll 0 anyone who disses him. I loved it, keep it up. "Your avoiding facts" lol.
if you liked my movie, then i recomend this movie, vince trigger:
not bad
i truly enjoyed this, even though I never played Megaman. Zero owns X in looks and power. I'd have given you a 10, but I noticed you needed help from Shin2k27....
awww....Ok Shin only did the menu layout...But thank you for the 9
needs help
If you need help w/sprites you can ask me or my buds. Anyways:
The sprites walked very very choppy on screen. There buttons weren't bad, but needed some more graphics than a white box. The idea of mixing Sonic with Mario and Chrono Trigger isn't good unless you got a good plot to support this, no offense but this is one of those "OMG ph33r teh new villian" movies that come to NG daily. The backgrounds were rather.....bare. Not much to look at but a mario cloud, maybe a little castle. Overall I gave you a 6, which is probably very giving. I started out like this, but I moved up in flash. If ya need help, hollar.
ok i aprecicita ur honesty and ya i supose i should work more on it but the next coming stuff is going to be much much better
not bad
Ahh Leo, good to see him. Anyways, the flash isn't bad. The concept is sorta reused, but thats how most movies gotta be. The characters move slow n choppy, so you may wanna work on that. I assume it's Frame By Frame. Well, I'll watch for your next movie.
thx, it is fbf, and the next one will definately be better, thx for review
I wish you made it longer, put more wrestlers in, and used more Wrestling concepts. Still, awesome. Make more, but make 'em longer.
for now, this was the only idea that i had in my head. i'll try to come up with something more original later on...
I (don't) want to be your lady
lol nice music to use, and I enjoyed watching the 2 asspipes drop dead. Even more amusing was their damn posts. Get a sequel Vince.
That is a catchy song, huh? :P
I actually might make a sequel. Moogleslayer said he's gonna make a diss on me and when he does, I'll just release Vince Trigger Part 2. Oh and check out this topic Fag_The_Destroyer made...
Funny thing is, he's giving this movie more exposure AND his review is being marked as "abusive" by other NG users. It's a win-win situation I tell ya :P
a masterpiece
this is going in my favs, well drawn, funny and I love the crazy humor. Silly Zell. The Sephy song scene was great. I love the way you Animed it all too, but i wish you put in heroes before FF7 as well. The murder of ash made this movie! Goooooo Vincent! =)
lol! ash shall die
It was good
the graphics were your downfall. As Much as I liked the anime, some was just sorta..well bad, not saying I can do better. Regardless great story, it was funny and I personelly liked it. Good job.
okay, thanks for the review
Rip George Carlin. 1937-2008
Age 37, Male
Joined on 7/21/01