Personally, I almost never ever think a movie is absolute shit.
Starship Troopers I thought was brilliant, Event Horizon was a even more greater thriller, fuck I even liked the Wing Commander movie to list a few "Flops", as for comedies, shit I don't think I never laughed at a comedy, even a shitty one, since... "Dude, where's my car?"
Then comes Juno, possibly the biggest piece of shit "comedy" mixed with poor acting, and bad dialogue, and knowing the idiots this country's full of, it'll sell harder and faster than "Alvin and the Chipmunks".
In honesty, I saw this in theater after seeing that the Superbad guy was in it. I mean, why not, even if he was the pussy character. Then I was subject to cruel torture of horrible dialogue, clearly trying to impact pop culture.
I'm not going to discuss the plot, just the dumb humor levels, that might indicate that majority of the movie goers are on some drugs, and I'd like to know where I can get some. I recall the biggest "pops" of laughs was from the infamous "You should grow a mustache." - "I can't."
I remember to this day the crowd laughing like they heard something funny, and the urge to get up and walk out of the theater shot through my brain faster than a bullet through JFK's skull.
Now, the dumb ass shit dialogue. "He's the cheese to my macaroni." What the fuck kind of analogy is that supposed to be? That you both go hand in hand together? If so, bravo, you explained it poorly and ended up pissing me off from the stupidity levels I had to endure.
So now this shit of a movie comes out this Tuesday. Great, I can't wait for the commercials bragging "Best selling DVD" and the sequel "Jewknow" that'll be out in the future. Sad that the other Superbad kid is working in flops, but I guess it's all about pleasing the soccer mom viewers and their children who are to grow up completely oblivious to the world around them.
Concluding, and summarizing: Juno sucks!