A fun game by the S.S.
This was actualy a good game. while the loner it presses on, the harder it gets, you can see it took me 3 tries to get to Rank 7 :) i like how after you get 10,000 score the BG changes, so I assume at 20,000+ it changes. Gets very hard, but the only strategy i can offer is this:
*Keep your crosshair box closer to Wade. the closer it is, the faster your shots will respond, especially at a different angle. I found a spot where i could make the slightest movement and it changes the spot, this would be around the neck, a nice spot if you need to shoot up and left very fast.
*The stars take about 5 hits each before you hit them off the screen, it's best to spam shots at them so you knock them off the screen. Otherwise it's a number game.