Oh shit Newgrounds, I missed my tradition for one Flash Movie a year! I know, it's only December 18th, but I can tell you i got nothing in the works and I don't even have Macromedia anymore. Hell i don't even care anymore, Newground's changed. Some good artists surfaced, and I salute them, they'll bring in the bacon, while more and more shitty artists surfaced like dead fish to the top of a lake.
As much as I dislike breaking tradition, this goes double for missing the usaul M80 fest on Mischief night, I guess it's for the better, since i'd rather concentrate on my own goals and dreams, without any setbacks.
Oh, and Warfare Finale? Never happening. It's ending is written in the stars, like many love lives that the gods declare never to be.
So what the fuck am I doing? While still being a conformist working for the man in retail hell, I been having urges to get into Writing and Animating (actual Animating, fuck that half ass Flash), due to my love to bring stories to life. I'm thinking of doing some College research so I can follow my dream. After all, working at Target is never enough for me. Then again, nothing is.
aw noes, i liked your work but i do suppose real life goals and ambitions are important