What makes us human? Is it the ability for us to create? To bleed? To love? To build? To truly think?
What makes us retarded? The fact that we'll stress ourselves out over fucking nothing, and keep up our paranoia by thinking the world's going to end every fucking day.
It seems that anyone who's paranoid or retarded, typically people who keep their nose in the bible too long to get fresh air, also have their nose in the Science section of the news, you know, same guys who said that at one time big reptiles roamed the Earth.
As if the stupid 2012 and Asteroids, Global warming, or nuke worrying isn't enough, this "LHC" contraption now has every paranoid retard in a pissy fit. Because now, fuck the thought that a nuke or a big space rock is gonna wipe us out, humans will (according to these uneducated twats) will undue themselves. It's like firing a Nuke, only backwards.
I mean, they have less of any physic knowledge then me, but they're sure that the device will create a black hole. That's right, god will be so pissed we are figuring out his magic he'll divide by 0 and rape us all.
Fortunately, this matter provides entertainment. Retarded bitch kills self over Black Hole theory.
You know what makes theories so fucking believable? Because usually they're presented by someone who has a fucking idea what he's talking about. If I went down the road and shouted "The end is near", how many would pay mind? Maybe Tom Cruise or a local Christian, but the mass would ignore me.
The world's not going to end. I don't need evidence to support it, since if it occurs, noone who read this can prove me wrong. and if you survived Doomsday and this blog is even in your thoughts, then I hope none of the opposite race survived to spread retardism to our 'future'.